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Race Waiver

All participants of the Bloomberg Square Mile Relay are required to agree to the provisions of these Race Waiver Terms and Conditions before taking part in the race.


1 - By accepting this document, in consideration of allowing me to enter and participate in the Bloomberg Square Mile Relay (the "Event") I hereby acknowledge and declare as follows:

1.1 I wish to enter and participate in the Event upon and subject to the provisions of this Race Waiver, the Event Terms and Conditions and the Event Rules and Eligibility Criteria.

1.2 I understand that the Event is a potentially dangerous athletic event and that my participation in the Event may result in personal injury or harm. I therefore recognise that my participation in the Event is entirely at my own risk and subject to applicable law I agree to assume all risks of loss, damage, injury or death which may be sustained.

1.3 I am physically fit and able for the purposes of competing in the Event.

1.4 I understand my physical limitations and am sufficiently self-aware to stop physical activity and cease competing in the Event before I become ill or injured.

1.5 that medical personnel (both on-site or on-call) are hereby authorised to administer first aid treatment or any medical treatment to the Participant and transport them in the event of any illness, accident or injury suffered by the Participant in connection with their participation in the Event;

1.6 the Participant will be responsible for any medical or transport expenses incurred in connection with any illness, accident or injury sustained or occurring in connection with participation in and/or attendance at the Event; and

1.7 that participation in and training for the Event involves potentially dangerous physical activity and inherent risks and dangers of accidents, personal injury (including death) and loss or damage to property. The Participant represents that the Participant is healthy and fit to run, they understand and have considered and evaluated the nature, scope and extent of the risks involved, and voluntarily and freely choose to assume these risks (except where any such personal and bodily injury, including death, is caused by the gross negligence of the Event Organiser or any of its agents, officers or employees).

1.8 I am aware that some streets adjoining the Event race course are open to regular vehicular traffic during the race and that it shall be my responsibility to protect myself from any danger or risks which may exist.

1.9 I am aware no water stations exist on the Event race course and that it shall be my sole responsibility to obtain any refreshments and sustenance which I may require during my participation in the Event.

1.10 I will obey all traffic laws and regulations and any other applicable laws and agree to be bound by and obey all other rules, regulations, terms and conditions specified by Square Mile Sport Services Ltd ("Square Mile Sport") and/or  the Event Agency ("Event Agency"),  and/or their respective officials or permitted assigns and representatives during all aspects of my participation or involvement with the Event including those rules, regulations, terms or conditions contained in this Release and Waiver, the Event terms and conditions, the Event rules and Eligibility Criteria and any other applicable safety rules as may be supplied from time to time.

1.11 I will adhere to the direction of race marshals while on the course.

1.12 I understand that failing to adhere to the Event rules or any direction of any Event organizer could result in my being penalised or disqualified from the Event.

1.13 That intending to be legally bound and subject to applicable law, I do hereby, for myself, and my heirs, executors, and administrators:

1.14 waive, release and forever discharge any and all rights or claims for damages which I may have or which hereafter accrue to me against all persons, organizations, and legal entities affiliated with the Event including, without limitation, Square Mile Sport, The Event Agency, and their affiliates, subsidiary and holding companies together with their respective representatives, officers, employees, agents, successors, assigns, and sponsors (together, the "Indemnified Parties"), for any and all damages which may be sustained or suffered by me in conjunction with my entry into, and/or arising out of my travel to, participation in, or return from the Event; and

1.15 irrevocably indemnify and forever hold the Indemnified Parties harmless from and against all costs and expenses (including legal costs), actions, proceedings, claims, demands and damages arising from a breach by myself or my fellow team members of the undertakings contained herein or arising from any act or omission of myself or my fellow team members.

2 - Without prejudice to the foregoing I further acknowledge and agree that:

2.1 I will undertake to the Indemnified Parties to be liable for any death or personal injury to third parties, damage to property or any other claims, losses, costs (including, without limitation, all legal costs) or demands arising out of any negligent or wilful act or omission by myself whether arising during my participation in the Event or otherwise; and

2.2 under no circumstances will any of the Indemnified Parties be liable for any actual or alleged indirect loss or consequential loss howsoever arising suffered by myself or any other third party including, but not limited to, loss of profits, anticipated profits, savings, business or opportunity or loss of publicity or loss of reputation or opportunity to enhance reputation or any other sort of economic loss.

3 - By agreeing to the “Race Waiver" in further consideration of allowing me to enter and participate in the Bloomberg Square Mile Relay (the "Event"), I hereby consent to the recording/photography and use and reuse by Square Mile Sport, The Event Agency, Bloomberg and any of their respective licensees, assignees, parents, subsidiaries, or affiliated entities and each of the respective employees, agents, officers and directors (collectively "Releases") of my voice, actions, likeness, name and appearance in video footage of the Event and all media now known or hereafter devised, worldwide in perpetuity on a royalty-free basis, in or in connection with the Event. I agree the Releases may use all or any part of my likeness, and may alter or modify it regardless of whether or not I am recognizable. I further agree that the Releases exclusively own all right, title, and interest (including, without limitation, all copyrights) in and to any video footage created throughout the Event and further agree that the Releases may use my likeness in connection with any promotion, publicity, marketing or advertisement for future Square Mile Relay events. I hereby release the Releases from any and all liability arising out of its recording or use of my likeness as herein described. I agree not to make any claim against Releases as a result of the recording or use of my likeness and/or the materials (including, without limitation, any claim that such use invades any right of privacy and/or publicity).

4 - Please note, that by taking part in the Bloomberg Square Mile Relay, the organizer will send you via email important information relating to your race participation, the race results and a post-race survey. By taking part in the race you will not be added to any mailing lists, unless you have specified to in your personal account preferences.