Square Mile Sport is the owner and organiser of the Bloomberg Square Mile Relay with an ambition to expand the unique and exciting global race series to 11 cities worldwide in 2018.
Square Mile Sport is part of Benchmark Sport International, the holding company for a global network of brands and business that specialises in the development of sport-related networks within the business and social sector. Benchmark Sport incorporates Sport Industry Group, Beyond Sport, thinkBeyond Talent and Square Mile Sport.
Sponsorship/New Business:
Interested in becoming an official partner of the Bloomberg Square Mile Relay? We currently have sponsorship packages available for our remaining 2019 events, for more information please contact Adam Priestley: adam.priestley@squaremilesport.com
Grace Bowler: grace@squaremilesport.com
Race Information:
We'd love to hear from you, please contact us using our Contact Form or for more specific enquiries regarding a certain event, please contact us on the below:
Dubai: dubai@squaremilerelay.com
Sydney: sydney@squaremilerelay.com
New York: nyc@squaremilerelay.com
Tokyo: tokyo@squaremilerelay.com
San Francisco: sanfrancisco@squaremilerelay.com
Sao Paulo: saopaulo@squaremilerelay.com
Shanghai: shanghai@squaremilerelay.com
Paris: paris@squaremilerelay.com
London: london@squaremilerelay.com
Singapore: singapore@squaremilerelay.com
Hong Kong: hongkong@squaremilerelay.com